Today our association testified at the MA State House on a very important issue for our profession.
The MA State Transportation Committee held a hearing today in room A-2 of the State House with regard to H3289 & S2250, An Act relative to private investigators and access to RMV Records. Myself, along with Marty Kraft and Sean Burke represented LPDAM and testified before the committee.
The chair of the committee, Rep. Straus, was engaged in the testimony and asked questions along with numerous other members of the committee. Based upon the questions from the committee as well as a reporter from the Boston Herald, it was a very positive hearing for us. They all seemed to support our testimony and answers. It appears this has a better-than-average chance of making it out of committee and to a vote on the floor.
When I joined LPDAM in 2009, this was something I was passionate about as it directly affects the operation of my business. We have fought for this access since I’ve been a member, and long before that. I want to thank the founders of LPDAM and everyone who has worked on this important issue over the years. We’re far from the finish line, but today was a very encouraging day.
I want to offer a special thank you to Marty Kraft for his efforts in this round of the battle so to speak. Just getting in front of a committee to testify on an issue is a monumental task. We wouldn’t have gotten there without Marty and a unique approach to the issue.
I want to also offer a special thank you to Sean Burke for his testimony today. Sean offered excellent testimony today providing real numbers to how much the state can save by providing us the requested access. I also want to thank Dan Collins for his support by way of NALI. Dan, as NALI’s Regional Director, was able to gather an endorsement from NALI on the issue and submit it to the committee chairs for consideration.
As we move forward, we will need your continued contact with your respective Senators and Representatives. If we can get this to a vote, it will be the furthest we have ever achieved on the issue. We will need all of your voices. More to come.
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