Case Files from the LPDAM: The Times Civilians 7.12.20

First, you need a private investigator license to surveille or follow someone. In the alternative, you need to be an on-duty law enforcement officer. In every instance you need just cause to perform such activity. There really are no exceptions. If you notice someone doing something wrong or suspicious, call the police and it is likely, if you are surveilling or following the suspect, the police are going to tell you cease any pursuit of the suspect because it often puts the public at risk. In the case of the Lt who has a six-figure salary, he was suspended and quite frankly, the municipality will likely terminate him for such behavior. Our society has rules and a firefighter or anyone pretending or implying to be a law enforcement personnel, or a licensed private investigator, their behavior should not be tolerated. The Lt is clearly out of his area of expertise and his behavior should not be condoned in any fashion by the municipality.

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