Case Files from the LPDAM: On The Courts 10.04.20

The Courts are a staple institution in our everyday lives. Almost every person in our society will at some point utilize the Court system. If it is being a juror; a witness; a party in a small claim case; a defendant in a criminal proceeding; a divorce or needing an Estate resolution; the courts provide a wide range of services to help us get legally binding decisions and provide justice when necessary. At, our members often depend on information from Court records to help formulate well-balanced conclusions when incorporated with other data points obtained through secure database subscription services not available to the public.

You can listen to Case Files from the LPDAM every Sunday morning at 7:30 am on WCRN 830 AM & WACE 730 AM and live streaming on the TuneIn app.

As well as all our shows anytime at and for more on the Licensed Private Detectives Association of Massachusetts got to

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